Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back To Square One

I Know it has been long. Quite long.

They Say that it takes a lot of courage to walk this path. TRUE. 
 Because on the path, a lot of time you fall through. 

You literally fall through; through all your concepts, your achievements, your joys, sorrows, feelings etc. Your identity collapses time and again, which is a good thing, but hard to swallow at that moment. Hard to comprehend as to what now! Where to pick-up yourself from and even what defines "yourself" then.

When you started walking this path, there were some changes that you achieved in yourself, some expectations and desires that were fulfilled.
Now, What if those changes were to be reverted back; the wishes once fulfilled were now again left unsatisfied? 

What if you had "judged" the whole weight of the path on those factors.

What if you were thrown back to SQUARE 1 ? 

In those testing times, it is your faith in the Master, and nothing else that will keep you 'breathing'. And your master isn't here to make the circumstances better for you. Everything wouldn't be Disney-land, all goody-goody. No ! He is here to make you strong

Remember, whenever you are stuck there is something you will learn before you will get out of it. Rather, that is the only way you will get out of it. It is just like a Video game; without the proper power-up you wouldn't be able to clear the level.

There would be something you would need to do right, this time around. And consider yourself very lucky, that you do not have to take another birth just to come make it right, your Guru has given you a chance here itself, in this lifetime.

"Life pushes you back to square 1.
Shouldn't it be more fun, riding your way back to that square, 
because you already know the way and now you can reach in style and perfection,
and as if you don't care.

If that is not the case,
and the conditions are new, then I must break it to you
Congratulations! You are on SQUARE  x + 1 ."

With Love from square x+1
Jai Gurudeva

Cheat codes: the "5 S" Saadhna, Seva, Satsang, Smile & Swadhaya.
Food for thought: If you have realized it that, you are on square x+1, then why should it be any different if instead of life pushing you back to square 1; it is Death that pushes you back.  


  1. I love your thought process.. :D
    Very original..

  2. writing skills are the ones "u" were born with.. !!!

  3. Funnily Enough ! My English teacher never believed in what u just said. :)
